Tuesday 13 October 2009

The South Bank Show: Pixar

Sunday night for me is CSI night. I start watching at about 8 o'clock until I fall asleep. But this last sunday was different. The South Bank Show on ITV did a show about Pixar. So being the dedicated student that I am, I canceled my CSI Sunday and watched it (I even took notes). It was interesting to learn about all the hastle John Lasseter went through early on. Gets sacked from Disney for trying to push computer driven animation, only to come back years later and pretty much run the show.

Seeing some of the older Pixar stuff was really cool and I always forget just how long ago it was being produced.

this was made in 1984...its older than I am!

I found the whole show quite interesting to watch. I was hoping to get a video or at least a link to ITV Player but I cannot find anything. Its worth watching if it ever comes on again though.

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