Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Augmented City

I came across this video while putting in some research time for my dissertation. I really like this for so many reasons; not just because it has amazing visual effects, but also because it is a really good idea with a strong message. It takes something that is normally at home in something like an Iron Man film and shows how it could look in everyday life. Its like having your laptop spew its contents into thin air and having a cockpit for your everyday life right in front of you. Where anything and everything can be controlled. Even down to spam, that would be discarded and would eventually litter the streets.

The creator of this video (Keiichi Matsuda) puts it better than I could;

The architecture of the contemporary city is no longer simply about the physical space of buildings and landscape, more and more it is about the synthetic spaces created by the digital information that we collect, consume and organise; an immersive interface may become as much part of the world we inhabit as the buildings around us.

Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology defined by its ability to overlay physical space with information. It is part of a paradigm shift that succeeds Virtual Reality; instead of disembodied occupation of virtual worlds, the physical and virtual are seen together as a contiguous, layered and dynamic whole. It may lead to a world where media is indistinguishable from 'reality'. The spatial organisation of data has important implications for architecture, as we re-evaluate the city as an immersive human-computer interface.

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