Thursday 26 August 2010

Kyle Cooper lecture

At the beginning of the second year I researched some of the work of Kyle Cooper for an essay for critical studies.
I chose Cooper because I had looked into his work on movie titles before and became interested in his work.
This is his D&AD president's lecture. It was an invaluable tool for the essay but I think it is a good lecture to watch as it gives an insight into how his mind works and how he goes about creating his work. He also talks about his time learning under Saul Bass, his idea behind creating his own company and the main ideas that influence each piece of his work.
His work has influenced mine as through looking through his work I have discovered a fondness for working with typography in my work.
A number of the pieces I created in my second year have been made using animated text of some kind.
I also like the the augmented reality special effects work his company did in the Iron Man film. This is something I have looked into in more detail since.
After looking at his work and the work of others in the same field I think that title design and special effects is something I would be interested in working on in the future.

Video will be put on soon as the link to the video on the web no longer works

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