Sunday 14 February 2010

Worst Advert EVER!!!

I'm not going to dwell on this too much. I'l only get carried away and lose focus on what I was trying to say like the Go Compare thing. All I'll say is this is a master class in how not to make an advert. I can just imagine how the meeting to dicuss this advert went..."Okay everyone we need to make an advert for our company and the services we offer. How much cash do we have spend on a really good advertising campaign? Nothing eh? Shit!"... ... ..."Earyar boss! I've just got given a video camera for me birthday. I'll make us an advert and I'll get me kids involved. Everyone loves kids."

Three hours later... no longer was that bad. But check out the link to the website and their reasons behind such a shoddy advert. It must exist somewhere on the web.

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